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  • Type: string[]
  • Default: []

The ignore option allows you to ignore specific collections from being processed.

ignore: ["users"],


  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined

adminEmail represents the email of an admin user of your PocketBase instance.

adminEmail: "",


  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined

adminPassword represents the password of the above admin user of your PocketBase instance.

adminPassword: "mypassword",


  • Type: (enumFieldName: string) => string
  • Default: (enumFieldName) => snakeCase(enumFieldName).toUpperCase()

nameEnum is a function that takes an enum field name and returns the name of the generated enum.


  • Type: (collectionName: string, fieldName: string) => string
  • Default: (collectionName, fieldName) => collectionName + pascalName(fieldName)

nameEnumField is a function that takes a field name and its collection name and returns the name of the generated enum field.


  • Type: (enumFieldName: string) => string
  • Default: (enumFieldName) => pascalName(enumFieldName)

nameEnumSchema is a function that takes an enum field name and returns the name of the generated enum schema.


  • Type: (enumFieldName: string) => string
  • Default: (enumFieldName) => pascalName(enumFieldName)

nameEnumType is a function that takes an enum field name and returns the name of the generated enum type.


  • Type: (enumFieldName: string) => string
  • Default: (enumFieldName) => enumFieldName + "Values"

nameEnumValues is a function that takes an enum field name and returns the name of the generated enum values.


  • Type: (collectionName: string) => string
  • Default: (collectionName) => pascalName(collectionName) + "Record"

nameRecordSchema is a function that takes a collection name and returns the name of the generated record schema.


  • Type: (collectionName: string) => string
  • Default: (collectionName) => pascalName(collectionName) + "Record"

nameRecordType is a function that takes a collection name and returns the name of the generated record type.


  • Type: string
  • Default: ./zod-pocketbase.ts

output represents the path of the generated file.

output: "./src/lib/pocketbase/schemas.ts",


  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined

url represents the url of your PocketBase instance.

url: "",