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Here you can find how to secure and simplify schemas for your PocketBase instance:

  1. with the CLI generated schemas
  2. with the expand method
  3. with the pick method
  4. with the select method

0 - A Zod schema for a Post collection

Here is the original schema for a Post collection:

const Post = z
content: z.string(),
expand: z.object({
author: z
name: z.string(),
expand: z.object({
image: z.object({
alt: z.string(),
src: z.string(),
.transform(({ expand, }) => ({, ...expand })),
image: z.object({
alt: z.string(),
src: z.string(),
title: z.string(),
.transform(({ expand, }) => ({, ...expand }));

1 - With CLI generated schema

All schemas are generated from your PocketBase.

import {AuthorRecord, ImageRecord, PostRecord} from "./schemas";
const Post = PostRecord.pick({ content: true, title: true, updated: true })
expand: z.object({
author: AuthorRecord.pick({ name: true })
expand: z.object({
image: ImageRecord.pick({ alt: true, src: true }),
.transform(({ expand, }) => ({, ...expand })),
image: ImageRecord.pick({ alt: true, src: true }),
.transform(({ expand, }) => ({, ...expand }));

2 - With pick

pick is a syntactic sugar for native zod pick.

import { pick } from "zod-pocketbase";
import {AuthorRecord, ImageRecord, PostRecord} from "./schemas";
const Post = pick(PostRecord, ["content", "title", "updated"])
expand: z.object({
author: pick(AuthorRecord, ["name"])
expand: z.object({
image: pick(ImageRecord, ["alt", "src"]),
.transform(({ expand, }) => ({, ...expand })),
image: pick(ImageRecord, ["alt", "src"]),
.transform(({ expand, }) => ({, ...expand }));

3 - With expand

expand is a syntactic sugar for native zod extend on the property expand coupled with transform.

import { expand, pick } from "zod-pocketbase";
import {AuthorRecord, ImageRecord, PostRecord} from "./schemas";
const Post = expand(pick(PostRecord, ["content", "title", "updated"]), {
author: expand(pick(AuthorRecord, ["name"]), {
image: pick(ImageRecord, ["alt", "src"])
image: pick(ImageRecord, ["alt", "src"])

4 - With select

select is the union of pick and expand.

import { select } from "zod-pocketbase";
import {AuthorRecord, ImageRecord, PostRecord} from "./schemas";
const Post = select(PostRecord, ["content", "title", "updated"], {
author: select(AuthorRecord, ["name"], {
image: select(ImageRecord, ["alt", "src"])
image: select(ImageRecord, ["alt", "src"])